Monday, 21 July 2014

Cement Board Panel—Breaking Barriers

Someone once said, “The biggest obstacles in our lives are the barriers our minds create”. The human mind is capable of creating amazing things but we often limit the power that lies within us because of the barriers this same mind creates.
Visaka is in the business of revolutionising the construction industry by breaking the barriers of tradition. Traditional methods of construction have dictated what materials can be used and how they can be used. They have dictated how much construction projects will cost and how fast they can be completed. Traditions have been a barrier to the evolution of success in the construction industry.
Fiber cement solutions from Visaka have broken these barriers. Cement Board Panel—Breaking Barriers, planks and panels are designed to meet your needs, to make your construction project a success.
Breaking Barriers in the industry have restricted us to using plywood for most interior work and we’ve had to live with the fire hazard it poses, we’ve had to live with how it gets damaged with moisture, we’ve had to live with how it is susceptible to termite infestation. Visaka’s fiber cement boards have broken these barriers. Vboard allows you to build interiors that are resistant to fire, water and termites, while being easy to work with and cost-effective.
Barriers in the industry have restricted us to thinking that only a masonry wall can be strong enough for external use or partitions between rooms. Visaka’s fiber cement panels have broken these barriers. Vpanel allows you to build dry walls that can be completed in a fraction of the time taken to build a masonry wall. They occupy a fraction of the space taken by masonry walls. All this while giving you sound insulation, fire resistance and weather resistance.
We break barriers that limit what can be accomplished in construction projects. What barrier has your mind constructed? Break that barrier!